The Mind Trust team in February visited Zumratul Islamiyahh secondary school for her school mental health enlightenment program. The classes in attendance are: JSS 1-3 and SSI. The whole of Jss1 -3 were present and the whole of SS1. All teachers of the junior school, the vice principal and principal were all in attendance for the talk. Topics discussed were: Substance Abuse, Peer Pressure, Causes of Mental Health, and How to be Mentally healthy. Educative materials on mental health was given to all in attendance. The principal thanked the Mind Trust team for visiting their school.

*MIND Trust visited the Heart of Gold Children Hospice Surulere on the 12th of March 2012. A donation of 10 bottles each of Asthymin and Abidec syrup was donated to the home, and the gifts were well appreciated.
*Ibikunle Alakija Memorial High school was the second school visited by the Mind Trust team for her school menyal health enlightenment program. The students in attendance were from JSSI to JSS 3. The proprietress of the school, the principal and all teachers were in attendance. Substance Abuse, Peer Pressure, Causes of mental health and How to be mentally healthy was spoken on. The students were very intelligent in the kind of questions asked and the answers given. The principal was grateful that we visited their school. Educative materials were given to all present for the lecture. The Mind Trust team also met with the school teachers after speaking with on how they can detect students early.
The Mind Trust also visited Fountain Heights secondary school for her school mental health enlightenment program. We had well over 100 students in attendance with some of the teachers and the vice principal academics in attendance. The team spoke to the students on Peer Pressure, Substance Abuse, Causes of Mental illness, and How to be Mentally Healthy. The students were attentive and asked intelligent questions. Educative materials on mental health were given to all in attendance.
The Mind Trust team visited St Lukes Grammar school. The school counselor, a teacher, the vice principal academics and JSS3 students were in attendance. Peer Pressure, Substance abuse, Causes of Mental ill health and social factors in relation to substance abuse. The students asked questions and got answers to their questions. Educative materials were given all in an attendance. The vice principal urged the Mind Trust team to come back and sensitize their teachers on how to detect students that might have challenges.

The Mind Trust team went with the Lagos State Ministry of Health for their primary school health program in October at the Apapa local government in Ajegule. The Mind Trust team admimistered questionaires to the primary school students with the help of their class teachers, to know their mental state.
To Mark the World Mental Health Day on October 10th, the Mind Trust team and other stakeholders in mental health, went on a walk with the Lagos State Ministry of Health, from Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH). The walk was organised to sensitize Lagosians on how to be mentally healthy. Depression: A Global crisis, was the theme for the year.
The Mind Trust also held a program marking the World Mental Health Day on the 11th of October. We had people not only from the medical community present, we had students of schools we had visisted, some stakeholders n mental health and the media present. Prof Adeyemi of the departement of Psychiatry gave a lecture on the theme of the year Depression: A Global crisis. Dr Femi Olugbile, the Permanent Secretary of the Lagos State Ministry of Health also gave a lecture. Invited school spoke on Depression; A Global crisis; What is a students role? Zumratul Islamiyahh came first, Marjos International second while Ibikunle Alakija came third.