Mental health Information Network and Development Trust

Promoting healthy minds through knowledge, advocacy and care

Who We Are

The M.I.N.D Trust is a non governmental organization. M.I.N.D Trust stands for Mental health Information Network and Development Trust and the organization is inspired out of a desire to reach out and make a difference in the lives of people with mental health challenges, most especially Children and adolescents. The Organisation is registered under the Company and Allied Matters Act of Nigeria and has been in existence since 2008.

Our interest in Mental health is driven by the understanding of how much unattended emotional pain and suffering contributes to a poor quality of life in the sufferers in particular and affects an entire Nations productivity generally. With a huge mental treatment gap recorded in many developing countries, Nigeria inclusive, it is important for CSOs like ours to contribute.

Our Activities


— Workshops & Seminars:

These are organized to address mental health awareness, prevention and public enlightenment.


— School Mental Health Programs

As part of our activities we visit schools within the state educating them about mental health, substance abuse prevention and how to be mentally healthy.


— Advocacy

This effort is aimed at adding to the voices that help in reducing stigma towards the mentally ill and also targeted at positive policy changes to favour the mental health of the general populace.


— Support Groups

Encourage forum where relations of patients may come together to garner support; and encouragement from others in similar conditions.


— Care

Helplines or contact numbers for counseling and support are provided on request.


— Research

To add to the body of knowledge that ultimately promotes better mental health for the general public, by providing evidence that may influence policy making process.

Volunteer Experience

We have good testimonials from our past volunteers about the great experience they had with us. You can watch our volunteers share their experience.

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